Thank God for commenters

But his achievements are mostly due to very lucky privileges.

I can understand your perspective, but are you implying that lucky privileges made Elon who he is? There are a plethora of wealthy individuals raised in circumstances far in excess of what Elon had with far better educations, capital infusions and the rest which have done fucking nothing at all. To imply that Elon Musks success is due entirely to his family is absolutely ridiculous considering his wealth today would buy out his entire family, his lineage and the spawn of his indirect lineage multiple times over and then some.

It is due to his lineage. He would have never achieved it without. Then he has the nerve to spout his libertarian propaganda. All of his accomplishments with space x and tesla are the results of smart scientists and engineers that Musk underpays, not his own "genius" mind.

Wow you really would love to turn this into being about "PS" wouldn't you?

Who bought it up? hint: it wasn't me.

You keep making it the highlight of your argument that's for sure. I just think you are hilariously inept.

Still with the middle class? Upper Class. He was upper class. You desperately want Musk to be your middle class hero don't you?

I don't give a shit really. But you implying he had a silver spoon in his mouth his entire life is quite the joke considering he was cleaning out a blast furnace for a living at some point and used to sleep on a beanbag next to his work desk which was his entire living space for awhile to name but two examples he wasn't handed everything.

He most certainly did not sleep in a beanbag chair. If he did, it was by choice. That man was never homeless.

Space X kind of is a joke.

Which is why the deputy minister of the Russian space agency just the other day said they are completely unable to catch up to SpaceX's technological advantages? The country which is currently flying US astronauts to space? Moreover, SpaceX will be the next company flying US astronauts to space on the Dragon 2.

So sure, if you want to quote astronauts disparaging SpaceX from a few years ago despite the massive changes since given they will soon be the sole company ferrying them to the ISS be my guest... Just demonstrating your own ignorance.

But it is a high end sports car for the wealthy. Unless you're upper class, you'll never drive a Tesla.

And the Model 3 is what exactly retailing at 35,000 USD with 400,000+ pre orders already? I'm so sorry that cutting edge technology is expensive to produce, what an asshole Elon Musk is not selling it at a loss to fit your narrative.

Funny thing. Tesla is selling at a loss, but big bad libertarian Musk makes sure to get government handouts and investors to pour money into his budget. "my narrative" lol.

It's 2016. Future plans don't count as achievements.

NASA has already funded the project. Dragon 2 has progressed already through multiple milestones, it's hardly a paper drawing. It exists already.

Except it doesn't. Until it's 2018, that's not an achievement. It could very well malfunction and need to be recalled before then, not uncommon amongst Musk industries.

And no, someone with a track record of carrying out very successful technological achievements are worth far more than your own delusions of grandeur.

My delusions of grandeur!? Lol. Do you know what that word means or are you just trying really hard to look smart?

The only one here with a stick up his ass about his intelligence is you. I can tell you're butt hurt to be questioned. To even think some dirty pleb could be correcting such a brilliant mind of the Musk cult. Go on, lap up his smegma, suck up that salty sweat.

Why are you so mad? Saying such mean things?

I'm not mad. This is fun and entertaining to me.

I don't really care if someone thinks ill of Elon or questions him. My issue is with someone being blatantly wrong about something, which in this case would be downplaying the technological achievements of his companies and of the difficulties of creating two highly capital intensive companies in very competitive and hard to access industries.

C'mon on out of that b-hole bruh. You're blatantly wrong by the way.

Moan on about how he treats his employees, how he is inept at social speaking, how he has failed marriages... I don't give a shit. Just don't go staying ignorant and idiotic things about his achievements or implying they're due entirely to him being raised in a privileged position in life*.

He was!

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