Thanks, my name is Felix

I never said words couldn't or don't hurt.

Do you believe racial and ethic slurs are connected to violence? Yeah, just not in the same way you do and, I'm half African and half Spaniard. (i.e., half white half black.) So, the white privilege thing doesn't apply since half my family are a bunch of race traitors and Im brown and commonly get mistaken for being Arab.

Violence proceeds the hate-speech since hate-speech according to the articles serves to legitimize the power dynamic between the oppressor(s) and the oppressed.

The shape of the solution is as follows. Power relations, and thus oppression, are captured by social roles. Discourse roles inherit from social roles, and reflect the power of those social roles in their discourse rules.

What am I saying?: That colonists, particularly British whom saw themselves as sort of the apex European as well as a sort of savior against paganistic beliefs and barbaism have long established a social role for themselves that put them on top of the hierarchy so, when they began colonizing, they were actors of their aforementioned social role. And later were further acting on that role through the eventual/historical disenfranchisement of the African race.

So, If you're telling me Trap is equal to Spic or Nigger in offence than I'm going to have a hard time not laughing. Even the article contends it's difficult to what constitutes as oppressive because they would have to be subordinate to the role that word prescribes.

If oppression within the dialogue is the allocation of a subordinate short-term social role (discourse role), then it would follow that oppression beyond the dialogue would be the allocation of a subordinate long-term social role.

Going by previous guy's (Silly) example: Trap: (n) [Pejorative] Implies that they [MTF Trans/Crossdressers] are less of a woman for "trapping" men.

I had to clean up the errors but, even then the above definition 1.) Makes no sense not even with the non-slang version of the word. Why? It doesn't make sense to be less of a woman for being a.) passable enough to trick a hetero-normative man into thinking they are a woman.

The definition assumes they are good looking enough to trick unobservant people. It's contradictory.

I'm going to echo my earlier sentiment. <20 people participating on a year old thread doesn't constitute a consensus across the ENTIRE community. You're literally trying to argue that a handful of people represent the entire community when they don't. Period.

In conclusion: Trap isn't an offensive term and if people do find it offensive it's a subset that likely doesn't know the origin. Which is partially rooted in erotic fantasy.

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