THC-A crystalline formation discussion. Fuck the taboo of sharing tech, let's get some discussion going.

There is one word in chemistry that comes to mind immediately when reading your explanation of your predicament, recrystallization. The second time around is the use of crystallization to purify the essential compound crystallizing. I found doing this an art. It was one simple yet difficult way all synthetic chemists obtained high purity compounds for analysis...back in the day.

Why hire, because doing what we are talking about is based in experience and knowledge of crystallization and purifying by recrystallization.

How can you and I build a relationship where you don't feel as if I am leading you on? All post processing techniques in this industry are standard fair during a synthetic chemist's daily functioning.

I did not want to advertise my company name in general comments to your post.

ECSybernetechs is a San Diego based consulting company helping anyone in the post process, post grow part of manufacturing of extracts and products from extracted material. I am versed in CO2 extraction and all techniques of purification and characterization of molecules. I think I can help you. I am just starting out and will not be too expensive.

...create a great day...

/r/CannabisExtracts Thread Parent