Is there an order of operations when it comes to cooking?

Lets say we are having spaghetti to keep it simple.

Ill get every thing i need out on the counter. I guess they call this mis en place. I call it getting all my shit i need out and within reach so im not running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off. I want everything right there when i need it, within arms reach if i can help it.

Then chop what needs chopped and slice what needs sliced, etc. I just use a really large cutting board and cut everything on there until i need it. Some people use bowls but i hate doing alot of dishes so i just use the cutting board to store my veggies until i need them.

I start with the aromatics and veggies for the meat sauce. Then add meat. Then I drain the meat and add the sauce and set to simmer. Now, while this is simmering for a while i start my noodle water. If Im having french bread i pop that in the oven.

Its all about timing and knowing how long stuff takes to cook. I would say this takes some time and practice to figure out cooking times. Of course most recipes will give you cooking times but not everyone's setup is the same so you'll have to do some testing with your setup.

So if my water takes around 15-20min to come to a boil and cook noodles to al dente, then i pop the bread in the oven around the same time.

By the time the noodles are done, the bread is also. The meat sauce has simmered long enough for my liking and its ready to plate.

Lets say we are having steak and mashed potatoes with asparagus. I start the potatoes because they take the longest. Then i start the asparagus and then of course a steak doesnt take any time at all so i pretty much time everything so the potatoes and asparagus are ready right when my steak will be done. Since a steak cooks fast you dont have to worry about getting the timing perfect. By the time the steak is done your potatoes and asparagus will still be hot if youve let them sit in the hot pan with the lid on and the heat off. This will ensure they stay nice and hot by the time the steak is done. Which will only be a few minutes. Then plate it all up at once and dig in.

To keep everything tidy i either rinse or wash whatever im done using whether its a bowl, utensils, etc when im not tending to anything on the stove.

So I will always either be tending to food or cleaning. That way you can limit the amount of dishes you have to clean after you are full and sleepy and dont feel like cleaning.

If you only have one pan to clean after you eat it wont be a big deal. Of course if you have kids you simply have them do the dishes.

But mainly getting everything prepared and within arms reach makes your experience less chaotic. And always, ALWAYS make sure you have ALL of the ingredients your dish calls for BEFORE you even think about turning on the stove. Nothing worse than getting half way through a dish and you realize you have to go to the store.

/r/Cooking Thread