Is there any mod which replaces Sirona or makes her invisible?

stupid? is there something stupid about standing up for what you believe in? if there is than the left has stupid is spades lmao.

no but seriously, this ENTIRE post wouldnt be htere if nexsus didnt get political with this shit- let people mod the game to their liking-
people can just NOT mod the game if they do like it and its message- but whats TRULY stupid is how the discussions are limited or down voted into OBLIVION promoting "group think" and tribalism.

Tell me, how much merit does a virtue have if you CANT EVEN discuss it? when your mods get REMOVED because people dont like them- the comments are basically hidden/deleted when it goes against the grain. people wanna screech about fascism and "the man" and "patriarchy" well there it is- its controlling the speech and muting people, or worse, just because they CANNOT deal with arguments or make points good enough to explain WHY its important- instead its just "they feel/i feel" stuff. and THATS FINE. but how FAR into atheism or politics or what have you can someone/people go until its actually its own FAITH. people piss whine and moan about Christans explaining things in circle because it always comes back to "gods plan" yet people have the audacity to turn around and hide behind reasons like feelings. it sounds RIDICULOUS to me.

i say let people mod their games how they want and mind your own damn business and play YOUR game how YOU want.

/r/hogwartslegacyJKR Thread Parent