r/AmITheBadApple Lounge

Am I the bad apple for what I told my friend to tell her teacher.

I (12f) friend non-binary moved away last year, (she was in 5th I was in 6th) while she was here she endured torture. There was a boy 12 who would harass all the girls asking them to lift there skirts calling them b words mentally harassing he called one girl the n word. You could put it to a mentally disability, seeing there was many I time he had to go to therapy for exp he lied down in the middle of the classroom during lunch then got up and insisted he thought his name was Fred but remembered everything else about his life a girl kept calling him he’s name and he made her cry because of how much he was yelling and many other situations he and my friend were like enemies, he fight with them more then anybody. He ended up moving for ‘bulling’ I’m pretty sure my friend is now kinda traumatized. She ended up moving too but for her dads work. Now on to the story. My friend just started her new school and said her teacher is homophobic to her and her trans friend here’s the messages my friend “she’s always like u guys are the leaders of the school what do you think will happen when you’re in junior high blah blah also she always makes me and my friends feel like S and I don’t think she likes me very much. also she always says I’ve met kindergarten smarter than you and other stuff and never lets us be kids me : do you need me to help you plot in her down fall because I’m open friend not yet but I’ll tell you when I need you me KK friend last thing she doesn’t respect my gender or my trans friends gender me so she calls you a girl friend yeah all the time me will you should refer to us Mr. friend yeah that sounds good me and when she corrects you correct her on your gender friend anyways do you know how I can get back at her for calling my friend my trans friend his dead name I told her I we went back-and-forth trying to figure out what to do but then I suggested to try and make a little jabs at her and if she complains say does it hurt you mentally do you wanna know what else hurts mentally being called name of this is yours would you like it if I called you Bob you wouldn’t like it so I don’t think you want to know how y/n feels then I told her that if she got in trouble to call me. So am I the bad apple for what I told her to do. Am I the bad apple.

/r/AmITheBadApple Thread