Knowing Scott Baugh’s past, is he trying to say minorities should not take the place of white people in college admissions?

Hi. I understand what you are trying to say. However, I think you need to look at Asian graduation rates in a different context.

A large amount of Vietnamese, Hmong, and Cambodian Americans are refugees from the 70's and 80's. A lot of these people are ~50 years old now who don't hold bachelor degrees since they came to America in their late teens or older and lived in poverty, so it was difficult for them to attend college. However, their children (i.e. those graduating high school today) are far, far likelier to attend college. According to this statistic, 58% of Asian Americans in this generation receive a bachelor's degree, which is higher than any other race (White people are at 42%. Scroll down to "postsecondary education.")

Now, I will say data about this topic does vary depending on the source. But almost all of them agree that Asian Americans in this generation has some of the highest college retention and graduation rates between all races. (On a side note: The model minority myth does exist and is harmful, but in this context it's not very applicable.)

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