This Week's She-Hulk

I don't know, I think it kind of killed its message, and I don't think it'll recover.

Watching that happen to Jen was triggering because it's so relatable, and then instead of any kind of validation that her feelings are reasonable, everyone freaks out when she breaks the screen showing revenge porn (...which is legit ridiculous, I was cheering for her to break it!). Then she gets arrested held up at gun point?! And now half the comments on reddit are "SEE HULK TOLD HER TO BE CAREFUL!", which means the message of this is essentially "this is She-Hulks fault for not listening to a man."

Contrast to the Captain Marvel scene where Carol blasts the guy who's been telling her she's not good enough and to not have feelings in the face. THAT was triumphant, cause fuck listening to a sexist asshole.

There's a lot of things I've loved about this show though, I just think this was a big miss (though maybe they'll redeem themselves next episode, I hope so!). I really think they messed up by going straight to action and her getting in trouble for hulk stuff. It would have been better if they had just shown her reacting and processing, adding validation. Instead the shift goes from "those guys are fucks and this is arguably sexual assault/rape and they are literally traumatizing her in front of her family, friends, and coworkers" to "AND SHE OVERREACTED."

Ugh. As said, so much of this show has been great and relatable, but I really dislike this.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread