Is there any way to make Dark souls 2 easy?

I made a very similar thread recently as I'm quite ill and needed an easy build to beat this game with. Answers were varied but one suggested making a Hexer build, using a combination of melee and dark magic. Tbh I don't think it's made it easier but it is fun.

Now I've got some hours in the game my own advice is this: get the light crossbow from Forest of the Giants and infuse it with raw as soon as you can and buy lightning bolts from an NPC in Drangleic castle later in the game. Get a bow and buy poison arrows. With these two weps you will be able to cheese a huge portion of the game with great damage. Toxic mist pryomancy can work great on bosses too. Level adaptability until your agility is 96 minimum. Get a longsword, rapier and mace asap, the best low stat investment melee weps in the game. Try to be in human form for bosses, there are tons of NPC summons available that make the fights easier. Don't waste resources upgrading armor, not worth it - spend everything on upgrading weapons. Good luck.

/r/DarkSouls2 Thread