There has been a recent purge of posts on Oral Sex imbalance. So – to the guys and girls who DON’T like oral sex speak up and explain please.

So, I love giving and receiving, but it wasn't always that way. I went years being completely against blowjobs. One reason was that so many guys would try to shove my head down, even if we were just making out, which pissed me off. Then I had a partner who convinced me to attempt it and he was an aggressive receiver, so after that I was done. The whole thing became associated with degradation to me and I hated that so many guys expected it. For context, the age range here was like 16-22. Then, I fell in love with somebody and I decided to try it again. And damn if it wasn't an amazing empowering experience that I couldn't get enough of after that.

/r/sex Thread