There's no way 343 would not let us choose the mode we play.

Really the only answer is to boycott it.

Don't buy the battle pass. Don't buy cosmetics. And as much as I hate to say it, don't buy the story mode, which I was REALLY looking forward to.

Show 343 we won't stand for getting a quarter of a game for full price.

But I doubt nearly enough people will do that for it to make an impact...

For fucks sake, it wasn't always like this. I know I'm gonna sound like an old lady, but games used to be GAMES, you pay $60, you get a decent campaign and multiplayer, and sometimes even a third mode ie firefight. None of this "content coming later" crap. If the game's not finished, DON'T RELEASE AN UNFINISHED GAME. Or release it at a reduced price until the rest comes out.

But no. They don't just want your money. They want ALL your money.

And they know EXACTLY what they're doing.

Fuck me.

The only way they'll listen is if we make them lose money

We should really get something trending, like


/r/halo Thread