They're trying to normalize pedophilia now.

Homosexuality like pedophilia is a genetic anomaly. Neither are "normal", and while homosexuals tend to display higher levels of promiscuity, drug abuse, and moral degeneracy, they just like to fuck each other. As long as they keep it in the bedroom I don't give a fuck. Hell, most level headed gays are disgusted by what their culture has become.

Personally, children shouldn't be brought up in anything but a nuclear family, however being children, they are unfortunately easier to abuse by a spectrum of people with varying sexual orientations.

Having a sexual orientation is not child abuse. Your sexual orientation becomes abusive once it effects an innocent and fails the non aggression principle. You won't be able to "cure" a pedophile just like you won't be able to "cure" a gay man. But one being in the closet and in the streets concerns me more than the other. Normalizing gay culture for children is a problem (thanks Nat Geo). Normalizing pedophilia is far from just a problem. It sounds to me like you're the all inclusive hipster faggot equating the two so you can just bash homosexuals.

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