I thought this album might belong here. Xpost from transpassing, but I'm not trying to pass. I'm trying to live. This is an album of me just simply having fun.

Here is the document that talks about AT&T Medical Programs, and has a section for Gender Dysphoria (Reassignment) Treatment:https://tspace.web.att.com/files/form/anonymous/api/library/17ff25c2-fb16-48a9-bae6-5df5e0727e44/document/30b205b8-145b-413b-bc6a-00ba7fe76989/media/AT%26T%20Summary%20Plan%20Description%20for%20AT%26T%20Medical%20Programs.pdf

As far as I know, this is the only document that directly states what the plan covers. Note: In the exclusions section, there is a section concerning us, that reads "Sex-transformation operations except as described in the "Gender Dysphoria" subsection in the "What Is Covered" section."

United Healthcare has a document online for trans care, but I've been told that things in here do not (might not?) apply to us, since UHC is only our administrator, and not our provider: https://www.unitedhealthcareonline.com/ccmcontent/ProviderII/UHC/en-US/Assets/ProviderStaticFiles/ProviderStaticFilesPdf/Tools%20and%20Resources/Policies%20and%20Protocols/Medical%20Policies/Medical%20Policies/Gender_Identity_Disorder_CD.pdf

Besides that, I have been referenceing the WPATH standards of care: http://www.wpath.org/site_page.cfm?pk_association_webpage_menu=1352&pk_association_webpage=3947 and the HRC's document on what "should" be covered under trans inclusive plans:s3.amazonaws.com/hrc-assets//files/assets/resources/Transgender_Healthcare_White_Paper_4.pdf


These are the relevant documents that support inclusive policies. I hope this helps. There are about 15 of us in my group trying to navigate this and the desired procedures range from FFS to SRS to Breast augmentation. We just really need help navigating all this so that we know very clearly what is and is not covered. Let me know when you've reviewed everything and have an idea and I'll give you a call and we can talk about it. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! You are not only helping me out, but a whole company who is walking through the dark.

/r/transpositive Thread Parent Link - imgur.com