Thought I would message him his own name...ip booter xb1 GT-DontRageQuit...who the fucks in charge of banning these guys

They won't do shit because they technically aren't breaking EA terms of service. But EA won't do multi card deals, because that would just be too much work for them to adjust the MUT economy by factoring in multi card trades which would insure people could actually TRADE cards and they can't take 10% from that. Don't get me wrong the 10% tax is needed to control inflation but it's just another case of EA being to lazy, or too stingy to allocate the resources needed to address this issue. Which affects EVERY ONE OF THIER CUSTOMERS ANDY ALLOWS SCAMMERS TO OPERATE. But fuck us, it's our problem if we get scammed, not theirs. "Just trade with friends is the line they'll give you." It's not like us, the customers, continually pour money in the coffers for maybe one random gameplay change a year, and once the game is released you can forget about them fixing the game breaking glitches like the DT glitch. No biggie not totally game breaking or anything. The competitive side of MUT is a complete joke, the number 1 player on the leaderboards is hardly ever the best player, just the best at using exploits. Matchmaking is a shot in the dark. Some games are unplayable due to lag, which could be solved by DEDICATED SEEVERS. It's pathetic how little EA gives a shit about the quality of the product, typical American company run by scumbags who have to show RECORD GROWTH a every quarter for THIER bonuses. God forbid they make a small investment for the future and get with the damn times and establish dedicated servers like a civilized tech company. I'm not blaming the developers or programmers so much, I know they work for a penny pinching company that could give a shit about staying current, or fixing issues that we've complained about for half a freaking decade.

No idea but I swear to god Ea is the perfect example of a company willing to do the bare minimum in work, and if any issues arise they just adjust the advertising budget rather than pay the developers who are tired of hearing the same complaints, too. No offense /u/EAsports_MUT. Nothing will change, we all know this. That's just sad.

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