TIL the US maintains two "mini Guantanamo" prisons for political prisoners within regular prisons

I've been in more fights in county then the shit I ever heard about from any of my boys who did state time apart from the one punk who liked getting raped.

Some inner city blocks have unclassified inmates I would have never been mixed with in state with the shit I did.

It changed me forever I'm not outwardly violent but if threatened I have fucked people up 3 times my size several times.

My girl woke me up on the couch a few weeks ago and almost got punched I already had her arm in my hand and a fist balled within a split second. I never walk down the street without looking behind me every 5 minutes. I can't stand or sit anywhere with my back turned.

That's literally just from county. The thugs called me a bulldog after a couple months one time. I don't give a fuck how big someone is.

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