TiTP2 Woodsmen Gang (Spoiler)

These sorry ass games love taking the competent cops away for stupid ass reasons, "ohh I'm your highest rated cop and I fell in love with the cleaning lady so I quit" like that's supposed to be a smart move it's the biggest fucking turnoff for both these pieces of shit and I hope dev's see this shit because I would love to tell them personally... let me have my fucking cops and let me stop crime is all I'm asking for not the extra bullshit, I would burn them if they werent digital copies... And if you think it 'makes the game better please explain it to me how while I laugh at you for trying... this game literally punished me for making the empathetic decision on whether I should help anyone or not, thanks game for showing me that not helping people will get me farther in life :D

/r/thisisthepolice Thread