Well, 1 week later and with help of this awesome community building me my first team, I finally accomplished my very first LR Dokkan Awakening! :D

How many copies have you got?

By the way in case this helps you or anyone reading this...


That's my friend code, you or anyone else reading this can add me as I plan on keeping this unit as my festured for a very long time.

Well I don't know how lucky your pulls were but I have no GT LRs so there's that and you just got to remember I'm no better than you or anyone else in this game.

I play another Gacha called Fire Emblem Heroes and you know as well as I do the Gacha can giveth or taketh.

Just remember to keep your head up, keep on saving for your goals and learn to love what you have because sometimes you're going to be stuck with them even when the new shiny toys comes out and you gotta wait (or buy) until the next new thing comes bro bro.

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