[Serious] Generally speaking, how can a 30+ year old adult with poor study habits (potentially due to ADD/seasonal depression) prepare to go to University in the next 2-3 or so years?

source: 30+ year old, with ADHD and depression, who recently finished university. This isn’t what I did but it’s what I wish I would have done.

To do now to prepare for University:

-find out if you have ADHD (Note new nomenclature Replaced “ADD” with “ADHD-inattentive subtype”) . To do this see a doctor or a psychologist. -manage ADHD. This can include medications, counseling, exercising, and practicing strategies to help with ADHD management (set alarms to remind you of tasks you need to complete, make lists, complete tasks BEFORE TV... etc) -talk to a professional about your mood, determine if you have seasonal depression or any mood disorder. -manage you mood. Again this can consist of (some or all of) Exercise, medication, counseling, behavioural strategies.

Once your mood and ADHD are as well managed as can be engage in activities that require you to focus (read a book, paint a picture) whatever you can do that requires you to focus, and slowly increase the length of time you are doing your “focusing activity”. This can build mental endurance, and set up the habit of having time away from phones, tv, etc. This is the time that you will eventually convert into study time, so start the habit early.

And finally tips for being in university: -The more you learn and understand in class the less you will need to study -treat it as a job. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, but take it seriously. -keep a good schedule of upcoming due dates, tests, papers. The more organized you are up front the less that will fall through the cracks

Hope this helps a little, good luck!

/r/AskReddit Thread