"Trapped" people ask how I get these. Shrugs, front and side dumbbell raises, presses, and my favorite. Dumbbell front presses. 15lb to 40 and back down

With what it looks like one machine works all in the basement. Is clearly where results are not made... respect for doing something. I dont know what type of gym ppl are aloud to bring dogs or what ever. And yeah some new ppl dont know what they are doing and some go in for the trend. Others start the new year and give up mid March. but for those who really train. THE GYM IS WHERE RESULTS ARE MADE. WHERE GOALS ARE HIT. You can stay in some sort of shape doing this in your basement.. but this is not serious work. Again much respect to dude. Which is still maintaining at his age . Just read that guy's line up there and rubbed me wrong. No hate at all.. keep doing your thing dude. What ever it is, its giving you some sort of physic.

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