What is a question you would ask a woman if she was forced to answer truthfully?

I think people assume “stay at home mom” is an easy gig, but I honestly can’t think of anything worse. Working practically 24/7, unappreciated most of the time and totally dependant on someone else financially.

Im not married yet, but if a partner wanted me to give up my job to look after a child, that would be a deal breaker for me. I enjoy my job - it’s extremely fulfilling I would be a fool to pass it up for kids. I can be a “strong independent boss babe” and a good mum. I don’t need to give up part of what makes me me to be a parent so why would I.

I’m more than happy losing some independence for the right person, but I personally think choosing to be financially dependent on a partner is a dangerous game and a stupid idea.

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