TTC Rant

The TTC service was so bad in my area that after 3 years of constantly complaining to customer service almost EVERY DAY, I gave up and got a car. Buses not showing up, buses late upwards of 40 minutes for a route that is supposed to come every 30 mins, subway shutdowns, bad drivers, bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

The last straw was the day a driver yelled at me and called me names because I asked him not to leave almost 10 minutes ahead of schedule as there were people who rode the bus every day who relied on him being on time. I contacted the TTC customer service, who investigated and told me the situation had been dealt with. They wouldn't give me any further information about what kind of corrective action had been taken or any other information that a paying customer of any other business would expect in a similar situation.

Riding the TTC equals a poor quality of life, just from the inefficiency and added stress that they put on their riders' day to day lives.

TL;DR - fuck the TTC.

/r/toronto Thread