u/one_lucky_expat provides an excellent write-up explaining why average quality of life in the US is declining... seven years ago

Right, so then you're both stupid?

"Hey there's 100 people around me who like only hamburgers and when we do group lunches I can't ever get people to do anything besides Hamburgers. The problem here is that their opinion is ruining my life"

You have three choices, figure out if the lunch selection process is democratic and if so work to become the person who chooses the lunch destination and choose what you want and then no one goes to lunch with you and probably complain but you get to win. You work to bring more people in who don't like hamburgers until you're the majority. You go somewhere else to find a different lunch crowd.

The problem here isn't someone else's religion impacting your life, the problem here is you're choosing to live in a community that isn't a mirror of your opinions and you dislike the decisions of that community. In any and every community the majority of that community will have it's own way of doing things. It's that way with race, religion, and economic status. It's a principle of the environment and not of the 'thing' the environment is unique to.

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