/u/puffaluppagus and his wife use fake dating profiles to compare how men and women experience dating apps [xpost from r/changemyview]

I mean, on the last, they said exactly how: "self-identified", men who said they were nice guys...maybe with that ever present "but" at the end. And from conversations with my female friends, I don't necessarily disbelieve 7/10 sent unsolicited dick pics. It's really weird how often that seems to happen, unless my female friends are mistaken somehow in calling them "unsolicited". Even so, they seem obviously unwanted.

BUT, that said, this is certainly the precise sort of story that's likely to play well with a Reddit audience. Number fetishy, pseudo-scientific, confirms common prejudices (on both sides), written from the perspective of the smarter, superior, above it all (i.e. smug).

So while I don't find that as unbelievable as you, it's certainly the sort of story I could see someone making up for Reddit points. Shrug Ultimately, it doesn't matter that much. Nothing changes whether it's true or it's not. So kinda fine either way.

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