Finally joined Reddit just cuz of the vandwellling community!

national parks are definitely the kinda obvious answers. personally, I just love the open road, and there are a few experiences on the road that are just as great as the scenery.

I love waking up to a sunrise in the middle of nowhere and watching the world get lighter

stopping in the middle of nowhere and seeing the stars, the milky way, all those things I never see in the city (I'm a city guy, some people this may just be normal)

talking to random people from everywhere, especially non-populated as high areas. especially these days where everyone is so at each others throat, I enjoy that knowledge that as a whole, we are all just a bunch of decent people, living life

the silence and adventure of turning down those small roads that may not even be on the map and may end 100 yds or may end at the raddest place ever...or taken by some quicker adventurer haha

I guess I just love the road. I'd definitely do a north route one way and a south route the other way...probably north first since its creeping to the cold days of winter, unless you don't mind going over mountain passes with snow. I am not a fan, even though it is beautiful.

/r/vandwellers Thread