UMass Amherst( BS Chemistry )

I'm a 2019 graduate from the BMB program at UMass Amherst, I had 5 semesters of research experience in a faculty lab, and have interned in a research lab in the Longwood area in Boston for 2 summers. This is my take on your questions.

  1. No. Very very difficult. You have either know the grad students in the PI's labs or figure out ways to reach out or to have lots of contact with them, your best bet is TA'ing for Bio153 during your 3rd semester where you will get a chance to interact with rotating 1st year phD candidates or get lucky and be with a 2nd or 3rd year candidate.
  2. N/A as I only took non-major Chem class (Gen Chem I, II, Orgo I, II, Lab)
  3. N/A, But my guess is probabley, just a matter of balancing and planning every single detail and semester out from the very beginning to achieve your very specific goals/degree(s)
  4. Yes many are available, apply early, and make use of career services @ CNS.
/r/umass Thread