UNDECIDED VOTERS: Here is why you should vote Trump and tear down the establishment.

Well let me give you a perspective from a non American. Here in Spain everyone repeats what the mainstream media says about Trump. There is no alternative media, and it's just repeating what CNN says. I thought it couldn't be like this, since I knew about Trump before, so I took it to myself to research about Trump and Hillary by myself. Watching direct rallies from Trump and Hillary and positioning myself from the perspective of the average working American. Trump has been repeating the same stuff for decades, he is consistent and has always talked about the same problems he sees today. Hillary on the other side doesn't, as Obama said in 2008: "She will say anything and change nothing". She flip flops on every issue, and is completely bought by corporations and banks, who don't have the average American's well being in mind. After that I found this sub, and at the beginning it was all memes about Cruz, Bush and Rubio. Trump is not a classic Republican, and doesn't use God to defend his positions, nor do any of the Trump supporters here. He is literally a change that people have been waiting.

Now we see democrats supporting everything they have always been against: Aggression on Russia, Interventionism, Established politicians, the same candidate the Bush family has endorsed etc.

There are lots of memes here, but we all understand what we are supporting. We are one of the biggest reasons wikileaks have gotten a lot of attention, as people here even lose sleep searching for the corruption that the media won't report.

Bottom line is that this sub is for fun, which is another appeal we have over the discussions you see in politics or hillaryclinton, and you can find memes and real useful information like the one mentioned on this post.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent