Universal pharmacare would save Canadians $4.2B a year, parliamentary budget officer says

um, like on a personal level? I get drunk and stay up to 3am and have relatively serious arguments about memes with strangers. i blame it on being raised by a single mother on welfare in government housing. she had 3 kids from 3 different men. if we didn't have a welfare state I would hope she would've been smart enough to either marry the first guy or stop having kids when she stopped being able to afford them. my older brother is a raging alcoholic and drug addict. I am typing this right now after a few beers on my 1 day off a week, and my little brother is literally autistic. single mothers are cancer on our society. they're caused by freely available welfare. welfare is a product of feminism. and feminism is a form of cultural marxism. Marxism aims to communism and so we're almost full circle back to me disagreeing with single payer pharma. neat. funny enough my older brother is on welfare and getting free meds on disability for drunkenly breaking his arms doing some stupid shit, neat. my little brother has a free unlimited supply of Adderall because my mom is still on welfare. neat. garbage women goes on welfare for 20 years while popping out 3 mostly non-functioning adults. cool cool cool. actualy. if you don't mind paying for me when i go on disability for depression then i don't mind you paying for me either. i have tons of old friends from the courts who have been living pretty decent lives on disability working cash jobs under the table.

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca