Unpopular Opinion: John Wick 5 would ruin the legacy of the franchise in my opinion. I think it would make John Wick Chapter : 4 feel hollow.

I’m surprised anyone would be wanting a prequel or a spin off. Prequels are for cowards afraid to push the story forward. Spin-offs are the predictable move when all better ideas are spent.

When I hear Peacock is doing a show, I just know it’s not going to have even an ounce of the action choreography of the movies, but somehow someone saw Keanu doing this gunfu and decided a TV show on Peacock without Keanu and on a TV budget with TV camera work and TV choreography would be awesome. Can’t imagine that being good. People like to package these prequel/spin-off ideas tho and play producer. Feels uninspired to me.

JW5 is the only path worth taking imo.

/r/JohnWick Thread