Update 2. Jane send me a letter explaining what lead her to cheat

Es triste pero ella se hizo esto a si misma. Te engañó durante meses e incluso te manipuló para aceptar toda la culpa y fueras a terapia. Tu divorcio no es un castigo es una consecuencia de su infidelidad al igual que la consideren la fácil en su trabajo. Esas lágrimas que ella derrama no son por ti, son por su futuro, sabe bien que su imagen ante sus familiares, amigos y futuros compañeros de trabajo se a dañado y no puede repararlo, no será como antes, ella cree que volviendo contigo los demás dejarán el tema atrás por ti y todo volverá a la normalidad. Eso es muy egoista de su parte, si realmente se arrepiente y se siente mal por ti estaría de acuerdo con el divorcio y te dejaría en paz, no estaría con excusas de sus actos (culpar a su amiga y que, no es una niña para hacerlo que su amiga quería, tu ex quiso esto, lo sabe ella y lo sabes tú). It's sad but she did this to herself. He cheated on you for months and even manipulated you into accepting all the blame and going to therapy. Your divorce is not a punishment, it is a consequence of their infidelity, just as they consider it easy in their work. Those tears that she sheds are not for you, they are for her future, she knows well that her image before her family, friends and future coworkers has been damaged and she cannot repair it, it will not be like before, she believes that returning with you the others they will drop the issue for you and everything will be back to normal. That is very selfish of her, if she really regrets it and feels bad for you, she would agree to the divorce and leave you alone, she would not be making excuses for her actions (blaming her friend and that she is not a girl to do it that her friend wanted, your ex wanted this, she knows it and you know it).

/r/cheating_stories Thread