Update On Instagram Songs....

I’m sure a lot of ppl aren’t gonna fw that. As you can see from some comments but I actually fw that approach and like/appreciate that he does music that way. I like chance personally for his unorthodox approach to his music and thats all this is, an unorthodox approach. If you don’t like that some songs are only available in certain places then don’t listen to them or forget about them and revisit them when you feel like it. Sometimes it sucks that he doesn’t take the usual route and put things on Spotify or Apple Music but it’s a breath of fresh air for me personally that he’s different. I think it’s cool and it’s something the fanbase should applaud him for not complain about. He could just never release music which is worse than releasing it in various places in different ways

/r/ChanceTheRapper Thread Link - v.redd.it