1 year ago today, Chance dropped his debut album, The Big Day... thoughts 1 year later? favourite songs?

I kinda like Eternal, Roo, and 5 Year Plan.

Idk if he still have Peter Cottontale and Sox but it feels like a lot more disparate musical ideas were introduced into this project. Chance is supposed to be the one saying yes/no to all the voices around him to ensure the project sounds cohesive and sensible but he, or someone, dropped the ball imo.

The production is at times way too dense when it doesn’t need to be and it feels like they thought adding on tracks would improve flawed songs with uninspired rapping. Other times (Hot Shower) the production is too sparse without really good rapping over top to make up for it.

None of the songs made me feel what I felt when I listened to Acid Rap, 10day, CB, or even Lost Tracks or any of Chance’s great features from 2013-2016. I hope his next project comes out better. I don’t mind artists experimenting or changing their sound but sometimes for whatever reason they just lose the thing that made them stand out.

/r/ChanceTheRapper Thread Link - i.redd.it