v1.0.0 of my full-stack framework has been released

One gripe i have with your pitch here is that you say you got frustrated over how coupled things were with frameworks and bundled symfony into that notion, and then went on to exclaim that one should choose yours because its unopinionated and you have the choice to swap out anything you'd like

It just kinda baffled me a little.

Sure one is able to, and rightly understand why one would, exclaim that symfony is an opinionated or predispisitioned framework, but all Symfony (the actual web framework) technically is is glue that pieces individual components together in a scaling way to create a default cohesive usable product, but it's infinitely customizable by design. Symfony is comprised of a bunch of Sensio developed components like HttpFoundation, sure, and a few choice third party items like Doctrine, yeah, but the system provides all the interfaces necessary to swap out any piece of its puzzle for something else if you want at any stage of development, and in many cases builds in multiple choices for approach while again, providing the interfaces to hook in something custom if no other approach fits.

I'm baffled because I've never seen something so eagerly ready to accept customization and alternative choice, yet here its presented like yours is different in that regard by offering the same functionality, which was even acknowledged in the top paragraph (Symfonys Modularity).

I can't vouch for Laravel because i dont use it, but being as its based on Symfony components i imagine it's not difficult to as well customize Laravel to the sane degree.

In fact id wager any monolithic framework worth its salt will not be of the type that champions tightly coupled or super opinionated anything, offering at best preinstalled "Bridges" for certain components to offer conveniences such as minimum configuration setup or little methods shortcuts.

Or am i way off base here and misinterpreted everything?

I applaud OP on creating his framework though, its no small feat and requires herculean effort to get to release state

/r/PHP Thread