vamparchist has been removed from a moderator post + the role trusted researcher

The only person here who cares about me getting flamed is you. I can deal with it my way but apparently defending myself is against the rules. Fuck this subs. Fuck yours mods. That’s how I feel. If anyone has a problem with that, they can get blocked. I don’t have to see it. What pisses me off if YOU keep letting them do it and then getting on my ass like they got free will but I don’t. I don’t get paid for this shit, I do it simply because I love PEOPLE and have had too many family member dies just like most of us have. But yo, with by all means, keep paintrain. You know how much of a joke I would be to endure all the disrespect from the mods and the 3 members on here that don’t like me out of the 15-20 members that I’ve talked to... fucking clown shoes. Lol. There is no way in hell. Almost all of the people who I gave that “trusted researcher” flair to has been harassed for NO reason. People that have been here FAR LONGER than I have.

/r/Opioid_RCs Thread Parent