'Van hits pedestrians' on London Bridge - BBC News

They weren't in a dangerous area to begin with, they were on London Bridge.

I know this, that is what it makes it so terrifying. I just don't know what to say, everything I type comes out in a wrong way.

Heartfelt slogans and hastags and letting know I care, even though it doesn't change anything or nobody gives a shit is all I can do. Nothing else. I refuse to start treating this as the norm because "people die every day anyway" and other stupid crap people mock those who are shocked by these horrible acts. I want to help so bad but I can't do anything. If I could donate money to something I woulddo it right away. I am not smart either and don't know how to solve this, all I know is that I read the news and immediately started crying, I hust saw this picture of this little girl whi was killed in Manchester and I can't handle the fact children and adults of course die such mindless pointless deaths. Its just a skap on the face after a fun carefree night out, this is starting to happen so often I

Sorry I am so drunk so maybe this is gibberish, i just remove it on the morning

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - bbc.co.uk