Vim works weirdly on Alacritty

I use Vim+Alacritty in Manjaro since 5 months or so and don't have said problems. And my .vimrc has 651 lines and a few plugins. Part of my .vimrc is from a time before Alacritty and Manjaro. So it is not this combination that is the problem. But the way, just for the terminology: Alacritty IS a terminal (emulator).

So we have to find out why the .vimrc seemingly is ignored in Alacritty in your setup. First off, when you run Vim inside Alacritty, does all the changes in your .vimrc take into effect if you use this command: :source ~/.vimrc

It is hard to track down what the problem is. What is in your Alacritty configuration, in your Vim configuration and what Shell do you use and what is in the configuration? Maybe it is a plugin in your shell or Vim that is not compatible. Try to set the vi nocompatible mode in your .vimrc to test if it makes a difference:

" Do not use Vi compatible mode.
" This is needed before install vim-plug
set nocompatible

Also try these in your Alacritty configuration in "~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml" :

`` env: # This value is used to set the$TERMenvironment variable for # each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will # check the local terminfo database and usealacrittyif it is # available, otherwisexterm-256color` is used. TERM: xterm-256color COLORTERM: truecolor LANG: "en_US.UTF-8" LC_CTYPE: en_US.UTF-8

shell: program: /usr/bin/bash #args: # - --login working_directory: None ```

(set the shell in program: /usr/bin/bash to something else, if you don't use bash. In example in my case it is zsh)

/r/vim Thread