The influence of Neovim on Vim development

Tabs should have there own scope, i.e they should maintain there own ljst of open buffers.

Listen on the surface this grievance seems like they don't get the association between tab pages and buffers a.ka. the famous you don't grok vim thing. But giving them the benefit of doubt and assumethey do understand, then yes there are times I can commiserate as well - Sometimes lock tabpages to a certain directory in a workspace; say a tab page specific to something like phoenix franework's controller's, another tab page for views etc. and a simple tcd into the relvant contoroller/views directory helps but that only really works for projects like phoenix where controllers and views are mostly put into their own directory and kind of sucks for projects like django where the equivalent of controllers and views are joined into separate apps. In that particular case yes I've also felt some innovation on tab scoping would be great. (Of course for now projections solve this problem quite well, but still)

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