Walk of shame: Sweden's "first feminist government" don hijabs in Iran

Do you want to see suffering? Read a book about China before it opened up to trade with the West. The Middle East might be a shit-show today, but that has always been the case, even before the West came there. However, because of Western trade, aid and technology they're increasing life expectancy year after year.

It's the same in Africa. They didn't even have the wheel before Western colonization and constantly waged wars on each others. In recent decades, year after year, their life expectancy have gone up. Fewer people die to wars, diseases, hunger etc. because the US has been a "world cop" and Western technology, trade and aid.

Now, a bunch of people will surely accuse me of white supremacy for mentioning these facts. Let me remind you, that the best way to defeat bigotry isn't necessarily with your own bigotry. I'm happy to admit that Lucy Lui, Morgan Freeman and Danny Trejo represent humanity at its finest. Botswana is the most prosperous country in Africa and quite admirable compared to their neighbors. Japan and Singapore are better off than many Western countries.

Why? Because they believe in certain ideals that started in Ancient Greece, got a 2.0 upgrade during the enlightenment and have since continually improved. These ideals are better than the majority ideals of the fucked-up countries. That's why they're fucked up. Not because of us. A new world order without absolute Western supremacy is coming, and you can be quite certain that the world is a lot worse off.

All that being said, if when global warming, multiresistent diseases, AI development or nukes kill us all, it'll probably be our bad. Sorry about that, other humans. Blame us for that, not your own fuckery.

/r/europe Thread Parent Link - unwatch.org