Time to take things to a whole new level (Svenska)

I did read your post. I don't speak Swedish, so I google translated it. I talked to him about a day after you responded. Telling someone to 'calm down' and insisting you were only trying to help them after re-posting them to mock them in a group is not only not helpful, its downright dis-ingenuine. I've looked over your posts, and I would say almost all of them were someone obviously being genuine, unless you choose to interpret them in the worst possible light, which you obviously do. When you directly link someone else's request for advice to a subreddit intend to mock this subreddit and then make fun of them, its obviously at their expense. If that wasn't your intention, then maybe you should take a hint from how he responded to you that the way you're going about things is not helpful, but rather discouraging and painful. I am sorry if it seems I blew up at you, but I have been seeing you absolutely everywhere, and I could not believe that you posted not only the same language, but the same brand of book that you called someone a lazy karma whore for posting earlier. I have no doubt your Swedish is impressive, but you should have some doubt that you know how impressive or unimpressive other people's language skills are. If you really are convinced that continually knocking people down a peg like this is altruistic, then maybe you would benefit from hearing what the world-famous interpreter Kato Lomb's thought was essential in learning languages:

"Be firmly convinced that you are a linguistic genius. If the facts demonstrate otherwise, heap blame on the pesky language you aim to master, on the dictionaries, or on this book, not on yourself."

I say this from personal experience: Nothing knee caps language learning attempts like shattered confidence. Continue participating in the sub by all means. But maybe be a little bit more mindful about how you do it.

/r/languagelearning Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it