[Weekly Strategy Discussion] H2A Lockdown

3 Plots

Plot Positions:

  • A: Top-Lift
  • B: S1
  • C: BR3

3 Plot play should be based off of your teams' spawn. When spawning Red (BR3), we like to have one person take C, while the rest of the players either push on A, or cover the person(s) pushing on A. Blue Team is going to do something similar, try and get B just to get some points on the board, and make a strong push towards A.

A is key here. Generally C is easy to defend, and while B is a bit tougher, it's still not incredibly difficult. A isn't all that hard to defend, it's that it's extremely difficult to (re)capture. I'm not going to say the team that gets A first is going to win every time, but it's very often the key to victory. The problem is that it's at Top-Lift, and Top-Lift is the easiest spot on the map to nade and lay down fire on, especially when you need to be out on Top-Lift platform, completely exposed. Therefore once a team has A, they generally don't lose it.

If you don't have A, work towards getting A. If you feel like you can't get A, works towards getting whichever other plot you don't have. It sounds obvious, but I've seen teams (and am guilty of this myself), that never bothered just trying to take B when the other team had B and A. It's pretty easy to throw the other team off here by just completely changing the route you've been going towards for the last two minutes. Funny how that works, eh?


I left KOTH for last, not only here but also in my studying, and didn't get much on it, so hopefully someone else can chime in here with the Hill positions, and possibly order (Crazy?). I will say this. Try and play it like a team slayer game, and transition your strategy to fit the hill when possible. Don't go crazy trying to get points on a Top-Lift hill (if it's there), and really don't go crazy trying to get points at Top-Mid. In fact, my preferred plan of attack for a hill at Top-Mid is to demoralize the other team by holding the upper positions and trashing them as they attempt to hold Top-Mid.

In Closing

I had a lot of fun putting all this together, and unfortunately I didn't get to do everything that I wanted. In a perfect world, I would have had some overhead maps that had strategies drawn on them. But, that leaves me with a lot of ideas of what to do with future weekly discussions. This was quite an undertaking, so next week expect something a little more discussion heavy, without as much straight up content, which I'll announce tomorrow. So please, tear this apart, give suggestions, criticisms, and let's try and get /r/halo to be more gameplay focused.

tl;dr If you're red, shoot blue. If you're blue, shoot red. If it's objective, do the thing that gets points.

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