Weekly thread August 03, 2020 - August 09, 2020

I agree so much with what you said. I’m fat and want to lose weight - would need to lose 100+ lbs to be considered normal BMI. Not necessarily to look ‘better’ but because the excess fat on my body holds me back. It makes physical effort so much harder, it’s harder to bend over because I hold a lot of weight in my stomach which gets in the way of my gardening or playing with my dog, and worsens my sleep apnea. I’m about to turn 30 and in just the last month or two I’ve started to see obesity related effects on my body come creeping in.

Sure there’s people who don’t want to be fat because they think it’s absolutely disgusting and that fat people can never be attractive. I don’t give a crap about them. I’m just trying to solve my body’s problems and that means losing weight! I certainly won’t hate my body for being fat and I’ll be kind to myself regardless. But I think it’s cruel to ignore the reality that my fat is causing me problems or pretend I don’t have deep rooted and far reaching issues (stress, binging, emotional eating) that are contributing to my weight and other problems. I don’t care if something wants to label me fat phobic - I refuse to shy away from the hard physical and mental work I need to do.

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