Weird whispering of names that I used to hear

I heard a name whispered to me before.

I had this vivid dream where I was being ushered around in some alien world, and the people in the dream world were calling me a name that I forgot after I woke up. My waking memory of that dream was that the people of that world loved me and they were hiding me from something too. I remember they had me in a hood and I was a big deal to a lot of the people.

The next day I openly asked, "what was the name that the people in the dream were calling me?" I heard a very distinct whispering voice after about an hour or so, saying "you are Vandu." It just stopped me in my tracks - I was a stay at home Dad, watching my Daughter in Florida at the time - I remember everything about the Day. I didn't need to write the name down - it was a very clear "you are Vandu". I can even remember the tone of the voice at some level.

After that I had my friends start calling me "Vandu".

/r/Ghoststories Thread