Well i'm shocked - 7-Eleven: Covert video captures worker being forced to pay back wage in cash

Have you ever studied minimum wage and the effect on economics?

You blatantly don't understand how one studies economics or market forces and you have a massively over simplified view of it as a field if you think that there is general consensus on topics like minimum wage.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wage#Surveys_of_economists

Protectionism is good. How Australian of you.

Protectionism is why people like you have the spare time to dish out uninformed opinions on the internet.

Are you talking about the economically illiterate justification for minimum wage that has been proven over and over and over and over again to be a complete falsehood?

Again, no it hasn't. If you don't understand the concept of price floors or what they do, this is a pointless conversation. Likewise you're arguing that there is overwhelming academic consensus on something, when in fact there is the opposite. The majority of modern economists support the usage of minimum wage in macro policy, what is far more hotly contested is where that price floor should be set to balance employment vs attainable standard of living.

Have you read anything on the subject?

Literally dozens of books and academic papers.. Again I worked in this space for many years, its not a new topic.. Have you? Honestly have you even read the wikipedia page?

The "safety net" is the welfare system, not the minimum wage.

Actually Minimum wage is a safety net.. Even the hon John Howard referred to it as such.. http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp0809/09rp13#defining

It's the minimum wage laws which make the safety net necessary and keep people unemployed.

So you think labour markets obtain 100% resource utilisation efficiency when there is no minimum wage standard? going to ask you your own question... Have you read anything on the subject? because that's absolutely nuts. Minimum wage laws certainly have an impact on employment, no one is denying that, they don't create the need for a social safety net though.. You will still have unemployment if you didn't have minimum wage.

As you so eloquently pointed out, they're not here to study. They're here to work. The government doesn't let them in the country to work, so they pretend to study to get in.

Which isn't a good thing.

Okay shit stain, let's do this.

Where from? Bond? Try reading a book some time ya little bitch.

Given your apparent inability to comprehend basic economic factors and reliance on petty insults, I'm going to assume you're mentally ill. Best of luck with it mate.

/r/brisbane Thread Parent Link - abc.net.au