With all the recent break ins, what’s your move if someone is in your house?

I live in Woodridge, so I've got knives every where through my house. No matter where I am when I realise there's someone in the house I'm near one. I get the wiltshire stay sharp knives that have the sharpening stone in the case. I remove the safety button so you don't need to hold the button in to draw the knife. I've got one between the mattress and bed frame. I've got one double sided taped to the back of the front door so I can have my hand on it while talking to someone at the door. And I've got one in my bathroom because it's the halfway point in my hallway

Only a couple of weeks ago there was a pregnant off her face junkie walking around my apartment complex with a knife threatening to kill people. I called the police multiple times over the 2 hours or so she was out there. They just kept telling me they had other things to attend to first. A few neighbours ended up getting sick of her, went out and disarmed her then took her to the ground and kicked the shit out of her. I sat at my loungeroom window watching 3 or 4 guys literally stomp this girls head into the concrete till she stopped fighting back. Cops rang me about 30 minutes later and asked if the girl with the knife was still there. I told them what happened to her and the cops response was "ok, so we don't need to still attend?"

I'm under no illusions that cops around here would be of any assistance, so I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to defend me and my shit.

/r/brisbane Thread