We're on the road and I want to hear stories

Just a few weeks before the outbreak I had graduated boot camp, AIT and Airborne school for the good old United States Army! I was a Combat Medic, I was going to save lives. I volunteered for Ranger school but the infection hit before I could do that. I volunteered to be deployed as soon as I finished Ranger School. I wanted to make the world a better place.

Fast forward a bit shall we?

Its my last day before I go down to Fort Benning to become a Ranger. I'm with my girlfriend, ring in pocket, I was gonna ask her to marry me and have the wedding after I get back from training. I propose, she says yes, ALLS GOOD! That rings now on a chain around my neck.

Later that day it gets interesting!

She's playing with her orchestra at the Columbus Philharmonic. She sounded beautiful. Then, you guessed it kiddos! Disaster struck! Due to good old media blackout we had nooooo idea what the fuck hit us! City gets slammed by the infection and the uninfected are rioting and scrambling. We make it out relatively fine aside from me almost having my throat sliced and her almost getting raped. Alls good!

Next day! This is where it gets fucking fun!

Her mommy and daddy go to try to leave back to their home state and Jessica opts to stay with me. Daddy gives me his snub nosed revolver just to stay safe. Bastard hated me but I still thanked him anyways, you get like that when you know someone's fucking your daughter. Never saw them again. Oh well! Now it gets even better! We hole up, I try to get into contact with my superiors, Nada. Nothing at all. We're stuck. Then I catch a National Guard outpost's frequency, looks like they are taking in survivors. We head that way amidst the chaos and get there just fine! We're safe right?


Everything was going well, the soldiers at the outpost armed me as soon as I proved that I was a real soldier. I tell Jessica to wait with them and the other 20 survivors that were there whilst I go back to grab my dogs from the house, it was only 15 miles away so I would only be gone for a few hours. I shouldn't have left her there. I'm on my return trip, dogs in tow when I hear it. Guess what it is? Guess! Nope, not zombies! Gunshots! I haul ass for the next 2 miles until the checkpoint comes into sight. And there it is! There's something far worse on this earth than zombies, it's humans who you should be scared of. A large group of men had taken out the checkpoint. Everybody except the women were dead. You can guess where this is going! 30+ men, 5 women. Ohhh they were gonna have some fun. I unslung my rifle and used the x4 scope that was on it to take a peek. Then I see her, Jessica, my girlfriend and fiancée of less than a week. Fighting like a bat out of hell against 5 guys with just a knife. She was a fucking scrapper. She managed to slice one up pretty good and kill him before being overtaken by the others. They tie her up and throw her with the other 4 women. I went through about 1000 plans on how I was gonna rescue her but all of them would end up with both me and her dead. Me and a gun vs 30 men. Yeah even I'm not Rambo. Nothing was going to work.

Guess what I did?

I waited for hours, as they 'went through' girl after girl until they got to her. And as soon as they stood her up and went to drag her to the tent to do what they had done to the other 4, I had a perfect visual on her. I shot her. Right in the head. She didn't even feel it hit her. I had to bolt as soon as I fired to shot to avoid being captured but I came back later after they abandoned the camp. They left her right where I shot her. I buried her there. But not before taking her ring and putting it on a chain around my neck.

I hunted those men down. I took them out in the same fashion I did to her. One to the head. They continued to raid and rape their way across the states until I thinned their numbers down to the single digits. They though there was still safety in numbers. I tracked them all the way across the damn state. They weren't safe anymore. It took 3 weeks but in the end I made sure that every single one of them got what they deserved. The last 3 just walked out into the open unarmed begging for their lives. I shot them all in their knee and let the sound of the gunfire attract some zombies for a nice fresh meal. I wish I could remember their screams.

After that I holed up and waited. What for? I still don't know today. Then I stumble upon this fucking sub and my peaceful life gets turned upside fucking down.

You know... She was pregnant with twins when I killed her...

/r/Askasurvivor Thread