Man, if this is real, it must have been really devastating for her.

It'd be like a a small boy who's father works all the time, always off on business trips...

Like, if the father was coming home in a month for the boys birthday and promised to take him out for some ice cream. The boy would be so excited, every morning he would tell his mom how many days were left. The boy would draw pictures of him and his father together, they would be holding icecream cones. The boy would tell all his friends about how cool his dad is, all his classmates would think he was a super hero.

But the boys father never came home. The boy just sat waiting in his room, not letting it set in. He would be with his favourite action figure, it's so cool, just like his dad. his dad sent it to him last year for his birthday.

Suddenly, the boy hears a knock at his door.

It's him! It's him! he's finally here!

No, It's his mother, Her eyes red from crying. She's holding a gift.

"He couldn't make it. He's not coming back, But he sent this."

The boy tears open the packaging.

Its the same action figure. The same damn action figure as last time.

It would be like that. But instead of his dad its the US population. And instead of icecream it's the presidency, and instead of a innocent young child, it's an old, corrupt, criminal hag, who nobody even liked. And instead of an action figure, it's a big fat loss.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.reddituploads.com