what do you all think of baby rue and her mom with the food vids?

Research parasocial relationships. These comments are serious to me, even if the person who made it doesnt realize it. Even when the supply is taken away (the baby videos) the people who formed the parasocial relationship will wonder about that baby for months and even years, and will likely do anything to get life updates by harassing people/friends/family in their real lives. im not saying every single person who leaves comments like this are like that but some, even if just a few, very much are It happened to people on tumblr in the 2010s, people had to get IP trackers to make sure parasocial stalkers didnt find their new tumblr urls, people anonymously harassing their friends for life updates, like these tumblr people are insanely lucky they didnt memorialize more of their lives like what is done now on tiktok. Baby's every meal is for everyone to consume. How sad and dystopian

/r/maiaknight Thread Parent