What are current yields?

Ibonds are how Apple finances iPhones. Okay, that’s bs but it made me chuckle a little.

Ibonds attempt to protect the investor from inflation by adjusting interest owed for inflation. Its reset either quarterly or semi-annually (I forget which at the moment) It’s currently yielding 7.32%.
In normal season you would give up some yield for the inflation guarantee, but when inflation is up it’s kinda like the “insurance policy” aspect of the inflation protections kicks in and pays a rate commiserate with inflation.

You can purchase up to $10k per year via treasurydirect. You can also choose to take up to $5k of your income tax return in paper ibonds. You must hold them for a minimum period of 1 year. After the first year if you redeem them prior to the 5th year, you forfeit 3 months interest.

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