Donald Trump Refused to Denounce White Supremacists. That's It.

Why would I let you put words in my mouth picking one of your options?

You're trying to paint me as someone that denies Trump talks out of his ass, blatantly lying either intentionally or willingly, and that's not what's being discussed, not that it could even be discussed since it's thoroughly documented.

What's being discussed is how the statements made in the debate are being represented in the media. Which has removed all nuance behind Trump's decision to not condemn far-right groups for forming militias under the pretense that their only reason their reason for existence is white supremacism. Their stated purpose, which half the country supports, is putting a halt to the destruction that the protests are causing.

As an aside:

Would I contend that someone knowingly attending an event organized by Neo-nazis can be a "very fine" person? No. Was the event advertised as a neo-nazi rally? No. Could someone interested in protesting the erasure of history wind up there without knowing the background or intentions of the organizers? Probably. Does opposing the erasure of history make you a neo-nazi? No, but you're free to disagree.

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