What are womens options against big male attackers?

In order of escalation:

  • Avoid (don‘t go where bad dudes hang out/creepy abandoned shitty areas/don‘t date assholes, drug or alcohol addicts or guys with anger issues)
  • Evade (listen to your gut instincts and stay clear of guys you don‘t know and act shady, look like they have no business to be where they are or give off bad vibes)
  • Flee (and if necessary, hide)
  • If you can’t flee, scream for help or call the cops asap.
  • Use a gun, pepper spray or knife (assuming you train with it regularly), or any kind of object you can find.
  • Scratch, bite, kick… if she knows Judo/grappling (at a high level), great. But this is a last ditch effort. If it comes to this, the chances the guy will overpower her are very high.

If the guy is armed, forget about it. Options 1-3 probably make most sense for the vast majority of women (and honestly, for guys as well). Doesn‘t mean the poor girl in the video is to blame for what happens to her.

/r/martialarts Thread Link - youtu.be