What are your thoughts on the ongoing situation with r/vaxxhappened and Reddit?

i think the biggest issue with the rampant misinformation is that mainstream "news" outlets cannot even get their stories straight.

It is infuriating to keep hearing and seeing statistics when none of the numbers add up and sources of the data aren't readily available. The margin of error is disgusting.

Personally in the school of thought that I'm simply going to continue wearing a mask and avoiding people for, at this rate probably, a few years. Don't have faith in any of this until I see some reliably audited datasets and research; I don't think there's any conspiracy beyond convincing the working-class that it's "safe enough" to return to their toil. I wasn't out of work at any point so that doesn't really apply.

I shall gladly use this as an opportunity to cultivate greater self-sufficiency. I have been sick fewer days since the start of the pandemic than in any other year and a half slice of my life, I have thrived throughout this chaos. My position makes my choice to defer judgement until I can collect data somewhat inconsequential; but if I was in a position where I had to rush to make a final choice? I would lean towards not returning to the Status Quo; because the "normal" which the propoganda keeps telling us we should be trying to return to SUCKED. Maybe it's selfishness, but i have experienced truer freedom during lockdown than any other point in my life (i am aware that this isn't the norm); shocked as i am to see myself saying it: give me liberty or give me death

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